New project out now!

NEW CD out now!
Y.O.U. – Italian guitarists pay homage to Allan Holdsworth

Il CD contiene 8 brani ORIGINALI composti da 8 chitarristi in onore del leggendario chitarrista inglese.
Io sono presente con una mia composizione, “The great climber”.
Se volete acquistarlo, contattatemi via mail a
This new CD contains 8 ORIGINAL songs composed by 8 guitarists in honor of the legendary English guitarist.
My composition, “The great climber”, features Alessandro Anzalone on bass and Alfonso Mocerino on drums.
If you want to buy it, please send me an e-mail at
My composition, “The great climber”, features Alessandro Anzalone on bass and Alfonso Mocerino on drums.
If you want to buy it, please send me an e-mail at